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Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Ahli temukan Kehidupan diluar Bumi
Para astronom mengaku menemukan tanda-tanda kehidupan setelah mengarahkan teleskop terbesar dunia ke bulan. Teknik ini akan membawa manusia bertemu alien. Tanda-tanda yang ditemukan di bulan ini dipantulkan dari Bumi dalam 'sinar Bumi' yang cahaya matahari dipantulkan dari Bumi ke bulan. Kini teleskop mulai bisa mencari 'jejak' nyata ini untuk memastikan keberadaan kehidupan di 'exoplanet' di bintang jauh.
Tanda-tanda kehidupan ini merupakan perpaduan oksigen, ozon, metana dan karbon dioksida yang mengkhianati keberadaan kehidupan organik. Para peneliti juga mempelopori metode super sensitif dalam mengidentifikasi tanda-tanda kehidupan ini.
"Cahaya dari planet jauh ini sangat sulit dianalisa. Namun cahaya yang dipantulkan planet terpolarisasi. Jadi teknik polarimetrik ini akan membantu mencari cahaya lemah exoplanet," kata Dr Stefano Bagnulo dari Armagh Observatory. Demikian seperti dikutip DM.
Kita tunggu saja kabar baik selanjutnya.

'Earthshine' on the moon - scientists studied the reflected light of Earth on the moon, to perfect techniques for finding life on other worlds 'Earthshine' on the moon - scientists studied the reflected light of Earth on the moon, to perfect techniques for finding life on other worlds

The moon over the Paranal observatory in Chile: Scientists used the Very Large Telescope, the world's largest optical telescope to study 'earthshine' on the moon The moon over the Paranal observatory in Chile: Scientists used the Very Large Telescope, the world's largest optical telescope to study 'earthshine' on the moon
Scientists using the Very Large Telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile identified 'biosignatures' from earthshine, the light from Earth reflected on the moon Scientists using the Very Large Telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile identified 'biosignatures' from earthshine, the light from Earth reflected on the moon

An evening view of the Moon above the Very Large Telescope at ESO's Paranal Observatory in Chile. The entire disc of the Moon can be seen to be faintly shining in light reflected off the Earth, a phenomenon called earthshine An evening view of the Moon above the Very Large Telescope at ESO's Paranal Observatory in Chile. The entire disc of the Moon can be seen to be faintly shining in light reflected off the Earth, a phenomenon called earthshine
